Milton Friedman on Capitalism and the Jews

Obama bows to saudi king and palin, with no jews present at rally on Oct 30 sports Israel pin

Obama bows to saudi king and palin, with no jews present at rally on Oct 30 sports Israel pin

The header was taken from signs that were hanged at the entrance to big markets and offices in Turk

The header was taken from signs that were hanged at the entrance to big markets and offices in Turk
and Jordan recently

Friday, May 28, 2010

Don't follow Europe's example
. The real meltdown may not be in Greenland, but western economies:
Two Brits discuss the European economic crisis:

from Richard Baehtr

liberal economists, such as Paul Krugman, try to assure us that the largest annual federal budget deficits in history ($4.5 trillion in total over the first three years) do not matter, and that the ratio of total federal debt to GDP does no matter, and argue we should really be spending even more, there are some who disagree. For the record, in the first 4 years of the Obama administration, the total additional federal debt will be larger than the combined accumulated debt in the nation's history before he took office. But relax: Paul Krugman says it is manageable. Does it strike anyone as odd that while one European country after another announces that it is overextended financially, and has to reduce its entitlement spending, that the Obama administrations seems to be laser focused on driving our economy into a European welfare state model?
No we are not Greece (yet). But we are on track to soon be Greece times 30. The IMF gets worried about America:

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