Milton Friedman on Capitalism and the Jews

Obama bows to saudi king and palin, with no jews present at rally on Oct 30 sports Israel pin

Obama bows to saudi king and palin, with no jews present at rally on Oct 30 sports Israel pin

The header was taken from signs that were hanged at the entrance to big markets and offices in Turk

The header was taken from signs that were hanged at the entrance to big markets and offices in Turk
and Jordan recently

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

why Jan Schakowsky's vote on Israel is not enough

from Richard Baehr
Voting for foreign aid is not enough. Occasionally signing a pro-Israel letter is insufficient. What leadership role did a member take? Were they willing to speak up and challenge a President of their own Party, who seems to be trying to wreck the U.S. Israel relationship? In my book, working with J-Street, and serving as their sponsor, should be disqualifying in terms of pro-Israel community support. When you prop up a group that opposed Operation Cast Lead, opposed Israel's actions to stop the the flotilla, opposed the Iran sanctions resolutions in Congress until the last moment, and supported President Obama as he tightened the screws on Israel, well how does that make you pro-Israel?
and give it momentum than any of the other members of Congress. Let us be clear about J-Street's purpose- it is to weaken AIPAC, and pick off the left side of the Democratic Party to provide protective cover to a President who is hostile to Israel. It is pathetically humorous that one Democratic shill is claiming that Schakowsky honored Helen Thomas before she came out as an anti-Semite, so she did no wrong, and her judgement was sound. . Before that, he claims, she was a respected and great journalist. I get it- so before the recent comments by this vile hateful woman, presumably no one had any idea what Thomas thought of Israel or the Jews. The shill also manages to spell Joel Pollak's name wrong 14 times in one article. The fact that the shill posted an article lamely defending Schakowsky shows her campaign is worried about the race. She should be. Here is video of Alan Dershowitz, a liberal Democrat who no longer robotically supports left wing Democrats, endorsing Joel Pollak.

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