Milton Friedman on Capitalism and the Jews

Obama bows to saudi king and palin, with no jews present at rally on Oct 30 sports Israel pin

Obama bows to saudi king and palin, with no jews present at rally on Oct 30 sports Israel pin

The header was taken from signs that were hanged at the entrance to big markets and offices in Turk

The header was taken from signs that were hanged at the entrance to big markets and offices in Turk
and Jordan recently

Thursday, June 10, 2010

saw this about Obama-goog review

We have seen a president who has weakened traditional alliances, coddled some of worlds most notorious leaders, and weakened the United States both
morally and economically (our children's and grandchildren's finances have now been mortgaged). We were promised transparency, no earmarks, no 'no-bid contracts', the closure of the Gitmo prison, etc. He has proven to be a serial liar.
Regarding Israel, the likes of J-Street have his ear; not AIPAC. When he
begins a peace initiative in Israel MARK MY WORDS, pressure will be place
d on Israel to stop or limit the embargo on Gaza. Israel will be forced to acquiesce and make tangible concessions in return for "virtual" promises.
I am aware that those who so forcefully supported the candidacy and elect
ion of President Obama must be tortured by cognitive dissonance. But I believe that at this point in his presidency to try to tout President Obama
's fine qualities is cherry picking of herculean proportion. His handling
of the BP oil spill make George W. Bush's handling of Hurrican Katrina worthy of a Nobel Prize. He was a minor leaguer pushed into the major leag=
ues long before his time. He is a gifted orator with the aid of teleprompters, but his poor judgement and foot dragging in the face or real challenge is beyond compare. When people continue to try to find virtue in his actions or motives, it is they who are cherry-picking.

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